Honey Bees

Every year we manage our colonies to live their healthiest lives possible. Raising bees these days is not like it used to be. When the Varroa Mite entered into our country (from Asia) in the late 80's, it wreaked havoc on the western honey bee. Beekeepers had to learn how to handle this invasive pest. It was a dramatic shift in beekeeping management.

We only use mite treatments considered organic or do non-treatment "Brood Breaks" to stop the Varroa from reproducing temporarily. Robert presents at the York County Beekeepers Association on brood breaks for Varroa management every year. Check out YCBA for upcoming dates. 

From Honey Bee Health Coalition - "Every honey bee colony in the continental United States and Canada is susceptible to infestations with Varroa destructor mites (varroa). Varroa infestation represents one of the greatest threats to honey bee health, honey production, and pollination services. Untreated or ineffectively treated colonies can fail, causing economic losses to beekeepers, and, ultimately, impacting agricultural food production through the loss of pollination services. In addition, colonies infested with varroa are a potential source of mites and diseases that can spread to other colonies and apiaries, through drifting, robbing, and absconding activity of bees. Management actions such as introducing brood frames, packaged bees or swarms to colonies or adding external splits, nucs or full size colonies to apiaries can further contribute to the spread of varroa. All beekeepers should remain vigilant in monitoring for varroa levels and be prepared to take timely action to reduce mite loads. Effective varroa control will reduce colony losses and avoid potential spread of infectious disease among colonies. This Guide will explain practical, effective methods that beekeepers can use to measure varroa infestations in their hives and select appropriate control methods. The Honey Bee Health Coalition offers this Guide free of charge and asks that you please reference the Coalition if distributing."


We offer free demonstrations on Varroa Mite testing using the alcohol-wash method  to our bee customers every summer. We feel it is one (of several)  most important management tools you must have in your tool box.


It is best to contact us starting late fall/winter to hold the following year's nucleus colonies. We have limited supply and they tend to go quickly.
We are Sold Out of our overwintered nucleus colonies available for 2024. Approximate date they will be ready is early to mid-April. Time can vary. There may be a chance that additional overwintered nucs will be available, but not guaranteed. Contact us mid-March if you are still interested in overwintered proven colonies to see if we have any additional colonies available or contact us now to be placed on a waiting list. They are 5-frame DEEP nucleus colonies containing three frames of brood and two frames of food. The queen will be marked and clipped. They are treated with an organic mite treatment before you receive them. Cardboard travel boxes are provided unless you would like to bring your hive box to our farm, and with our guidance, transfer your frames from the nuc box to your hive body. 

*We will have 2024 Nucs available late May to early June. Please contact us to hold your order. SOLD OUT ! 

A $25 non-refundable deposit is required for each nucleus colony. Shipping not available. 


Swarm Removal

We do not collect swarms. If you need to have a swarm safely removed, please contact the York County Beekeepers Association for a list of people to contact for swarm removal. Please have a photo ready to verify it is honeybees. 

Mated Queen Sales

We do not sell Queens at this time.